Waste management

Consulting in the field of environmental protection and waste management

We offer consulting services and assist in fulfilling legal requirements for establishing an efficient waste management system in accordance with your needs.

Any waste producer should perform the identification and quantity of waste streams, waste management plans, ensure implementation of the principle of waste management hierarchy, in accordance with the Law on waste management.

We perform:

  • Development of the Waste Management Plan to fit your needs,
  • Delegated tasks of the person responsible for waste management,
  • Establish a record of DEO,
  • Preparation of annual reports on waste, reports on products which after use are becoming special waste streams,
  • Identification of the quantity and flow of waste,
  • Help in selecting an operator for waste management,
  • Employee education,
  • Design and implementation of the ad, tender and competition for services in the field of waste management and environmental protection,
  • Preparation of documentation and implementation of procedures for obtaining and / or alteration of environmental permits, impact assessment and related consent,
  • Performance of market evaluation in the field of waste management,
  • Development of a master plan, business plan and budget for projects in the field of declines,


The waste producer is obliged to draw up waste management plan and organize its implementation if you produce more than 100 tons of non-hazardous waste or more than 200 kilograms of hazardous waste (waste oils, electrical and electronic waste, waste chemicals ...)

The service of making the Waste Management Plan includes:

  • Waste management plans in accordance with Article 15 of the waste management Law
  • Proposal of the organization of the Plan and its update
  • Help in the classification and sorting of waste
  • Making the case for daily records and annual reports in accordance with the Rules
  • Harmonization entrusted business segment with the procedures of quality standards, environmental protection, safety and health at work and other
  • Waste management staff training
  • Consultations in the selection of suppliers of services in the field of waste management
  • Production procedures for monitoring waste streams with sample documents
  • Proposal of measures for reducing the formation and better use of waste
  • Consultant presence in the inspection.

In the Law on waste management states and company or other legal entity will be fined from 1.500. 000 - 3.000.000 dinars for economic offense, if it performs no waste management plan or does not perform an update in due course.


Delegated services performing the tasks of the person responsible for waste management includes:

  • Control of all prescribed and agreed activities related to waste management
  • Control development and production of required paperwork and updating of the and reporting
  • Monitoring of waste streams and ensuring the lawful actions
  • Harmonization activities related to waste management with the segment of health and safety at work
  • Consulting in the development and planning documents in accordance with the laws ii regulations governing this area
  • Presence of consultants and consultations at the request of the client
  • Presence during inspection upon request
  • Disposal of waste materials

In the Law on waste management states and will be fined from 1.5 to 3 million dinars for economic offense, society, company or other legal entity, if:

  • The waste is stored in places that are not technically equipped for temporary storage of waste at the site of the producer or owner of waste in collection centers, transfer stations and other locations or after the specified time limit for temporary storage,
  • When collecting, sorting, storage, transport, reuse and disposal of hazardous waste is not packed and tagged appropriately
  • Mixes different categories of hazardous waste, except where this is permitted, disposed of hazardous waste without prior treatment or perform dilution of hazardous waste for its releases into the environment.

A fine from 500.000 to 1.000.000 dinars shall be imposed on a company, enterprise or other legal entity, if:

  • Classifies waste in the prescribed manner, or fails to perform testing of waste, in accordance with the Law on Waste Management
  • Does not carry out its own takeover of products which after use become hazardous waste without charges, or if this obligation is transferred to another legal entity (Article 25, par. 2 and 3 of the Law on Waste Management)
  • The collection and transportation of waste is not made in accordance with Article 35 of the Law on Waste Management,
  • Does not possess the documents on the movement of waste;
  • Does not keep proper records and reports under Article 75 par. 1, 2 and 4 of the Law on Waste Management;
  • Does not keep and maintain daily records on the quantity and type of produced and imported goods, that do not submit a report to the Agency in accordance with Article 79, paragraph 5 of the Law on Waste Management;